
Saint James Catholic Church is a parish family that lives the Gospel of Jesus Christ through liturgy, prayer, teaching, and service, inspired by the example of Saint James the Greater.

Mass Times

4:30 PM Saturday Mass
Confession 3:30 PM to 4:15 PM or by appointment

9:00 AM Sunday Mass at Sacred Heart (Salem)
11:00 AM Sunday Liturgy at St. James
Click here for Live Mass on our Facebook Page

Monday thru Friday

12:00 PM NO MASS

12:00 PM Mass at St. James

12:00 PM Mass at Saint James

12:00 PM Mass at St. James

12:00 PM Mass at St. James

Current Bulletin

McDonald’s Community Card: We have McDonald’s Community Cards available. Over $110 value for just $5. 100% profit for parish. Coupons expire Sept. 30, 2025. Contact Reta Gaston to get yours at 304-709-4005 or call the office at 304-622-1668. Everyone eats at McDonald’s, so CALL NOW TO GET YOURS!!



Rev. Fr. B.K Akila Rodrigo T.O.R.

Other Resources

Best of Harrison County

To report an incidence of suspected child sexual abuse, please contact your local law enforcement agency, or you may confidentially contact WV Child Protective Services at 800.352.6513. To report suspected cases of sexual abuse by personnel of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston to the Diocese, please notify civil authorities first and then please contact the Diocese at 888.434.6237 or 304.233.0880.

Virtus/Safe Environment: If you are involved in any ministry/volunteer work here at St. James/Sacred Heart, you MUST have completed a background check and Virtus. If you have any questions about whether or not you need to complete these requirements, or check on your status, please contact Susan Satterfield at 304-669-0429 for St. James or Nancy Cain 304-622-5856 for Sacred Heart.