Saint James Catholic Church is a parish family that lives the Gospel of Jesus Christ through liturgy, prayer, teaching, and service, inspired by the example of Saint James the Greater.
Best of Harrison County
Rev. Fr. B.K Akila Rodrigo T.O.R.
Other Resources
Boscov’s Friends and Family 25% off shopping passes for Tuesday, Oct. 22, are here. Let your family and friends know you will have passes available. As before they are a $5 donation. The church keeps 100% of proceeds. Be sure to get yours. Call the office at 304-622-1668 to get yours now!
Do you want to become Catholic?
If you or someone you know would like to become Catholic, or have questions about the Catholic faith, OCIA (formerly known as RCIA) is for you.
OCIA is the process for adults desiring to become Catholic and those wanting more information about the faith. OCIA could be a method for Catholics to complete their reception of the sacraments. OCIA is designed for adults or children who are hearing the mystery of Christ proclaimed, seeking the living God.
Who is OCIA for?
· Non Catholics who want to find out more about the Catholic faith.
· Those who want to join the Catholic Church through Baptism, or Profession of Faith.
· Those who were baptized Catholic as infants but never received religious education, First Eucharist, or Confirmation.
For more information call the office at 304-622-1668.